Sunday, March 13, 2011

No Deer, No Deer, No Deer

My neighbor Harper made this sign. The unhappy deer is clearly not welcome.

So my little neighbor drew me a picture. I told her about the deer that came and ate my garden last year and she made me a sign to hang in my garden. No Deer! I love the way she drew the antlers. And look how unhappy my unwanted visitor looks.

The plan now is to fence the garden. And that's where I am right now. Thinking about fences and how to put one in that serves multiple functions. To fence out the deer, to preserve the view down into the ravine and to fence out the porcelain berry that grows wild on my neighbor's property and is trying to grow on mine.

I also want two types of fences. On the one side, I'd like a  fence that is like a wall, made perhaps of wood or bamboo. This would be a very high fence to keep the leaping buck from leaping in. On the back side, I am looking for something also high that will minimally affect the view, black wire between posts, with a gate so that I might still visit. And it all must look as if it always had been there. I've ordered a fence book. The Putterer


  1. That is indeed a cute sign and your little neighbor had the right idea! The deer may 'look' sad but they sure know how to work around a lot of plans to keep them out so tell her she doesn't need to feel sorry for them;) We have a split rail fence with black wire. It is rotting pretty badly and we are planning to replace it soon. I don't think the deer are jumping over it and we get them all the time. They are in my neighbors yards in the sides and back but don't go into my back yard. My front yard is another story though...and I am constantly spraying deer repellent on the deer magnets such as phlox and hosta, lily, chelone and aster, basically--anything I know they'll eat. We are limited to split rail only & no higher than 4 ft due to HOA rules. I've been lucky so far that they haven't jumped the fence. I'm thinking that we 'might' add an additional 1' to the height when we re-do the fence later this spring, & just not say anything. Hopefully no one will notice;~}

  2. Hi Putterer,

    Cute sign and nice post! My two friends on my street are named Renota and Marcie. We all live in deer country. Renota has sign in her garden for the deer to read. It it points up the hill and says "To Marcies --->"


  3. That's funny Sue. I was walking the dog last night and when we went to go back in, she went crazy and so I followed her into the garden and she was pacing and whining. Sure enough, today, big tracks through the flower beds. The Putterer
